The second design is for a 4" by 4" hoop. It sewed out perfectly the first time.
Digitizing these horse designs has really been enjoyable, although at times just a bit frustrating. It is becoming apparent that if I want to do these to sell, buying a full fledged program such as Embird is the way to go. However, for now, using the mixture of various programs I have is working fine.
Okay, the second design has finished sewing. There are a couple of places that say "oops" to me. At least one of them is a density issue. The other may be density OR it may be that I didn't step the design back far enough after the bobbin had to be replaced. However, the design is still very nice. Perhaps I will convert it to an appliqué design. But I will work on the base file and redigitize it later.
Being a child of the seventies, I cannot help but think that this would be groovy on the back of a denim jacket.

Both are wonderful works but I especially like the bottom one. I agree with you that it would groovy on the back of a denim jacket.
Beautiful horses. I thought of a denim jacket too but I can also picture one on the bell of a pair of bell bottom pants. I think I had a pair with huge flowers on the bell bottoms and a huge flower on the back of the vest that went with the outfit. Dating myself for sure.
LOL ;)
It is said that we can all agree that it would be groovy. That sort of dates all of us.
Groovy indeed!
I like both horses but the bottom one is extra pretty!
The second horse looks really nice to me! Loved that song and anything else from Simon and Garfunkel, would indeed be great on a jacket.
Both are beautiful, but I really like the last one. I, too, think it would look great on the back of a denim jacket, not that I ever had one. :D
I love that second design. (And...since the song was mentioned, I saw Simon & Garfunkel in concert when I was in college and it was a spellbinding experience to hear them do that song and many others. Great harmony!!!)
Wow those are great. You are doing so good
Grovvy is the word....
Groovy indeed! I really like the open area of the mane and tail in the first horse. I really like everything about the second.
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