I confess I slowed down a lot when I got to the corners to be sure it lined up nicely. I got my needle to drop precisely in the corner. Yaay me!
I took this quilt to the park, along with another that you will see in a couple of days. I put this one on the bench in the shade - it was over 90F outside and little or no breeze.
You can see in the above photo that the backing matches the outer binding. It was super easy to make that decision. And the front has so many fabrics that anything would have been okay there. I do wish I had added borders so the flanged binding would show up more.
It would have been really great if the bright green that was used for the diamond had been in my stash for the flange. But this is a true scrap quilt and I had used most of that green in the string blocks. The diamond focal point was a last minute decision while I was laying out the blocks.
I hope you are putting your scraps to good use. They can add up to a really fun quilt.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

BEAUTIFUL!! I love to play with my scraps - ;))
This is truly a masterpiece, Gene. It’s simply stunning!
Really nice and your flange binding was the perfect finish.
Your finished quilt is amazing!! So beautiful!! I love all the colors! Enjoy your day!! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom :-) :-)
Fabulous finish! All those beautiful colors and the perfect edge finish with the flange binding. So great!
Your binding was just the right touch...looks fantastic.
The flange works great even without a border... its sorta like a continuation of scrappy stripes but still manages to set it apart and contain the scrap blocks
I love the strips of green, and the way you did the center. Very creative even for a scrap quilt.
It looks great Gene. You know in the last photo the flange does show, it breaks the design from the binding. Nice touch. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
Definitely a great finish! The flange binding is perfect, even if you didn't have the preferred color, I think it worked great!
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I love using flange binding. I've taught it to both of my quilt guilds.
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