Monday, September 03, 2012

Detour - Creativity Ahead!

Sometimes we make mistakes.  Sometimes we get frustrated and toss those mistakes in the garbage can (or as the lovely English say - toss 'em into the dust bin!)
Perhaps we should laugh, Put them somewhere, but not too far away. Work on something else and sleep on it a night.  That is what I did.
You see, when I was cutting bias binding for the quilt I finished on Sept 1st, I goofed.  Somehow I forgot how I needed to fold the fabric - as demonstrated in my Cutting Bias Binding Video. I obviously folded NOT on the bias line.   I unfolded my strips to find these:
I seriously considered tossing them all in the dustbin. But I just couldn't.  So I piled them in a stack and left them.  I cut more binding - glad I had plenty of this fabric!  
After sleeping a couple of nights, I had an idea. I tried it - it didn't work!  Big deal, I did from "frogging" (rip it rip it) and thought a minute.  AH!
I took a  Creative Detour.  I love the idea of a creative detour from the plan.  I realized that I could work it another way.  I didn't have anything that I wanted to frame - darn, I didn't pack ALL my fabric for this long weekend.  So I decided to make something. "Hey!  I have the leftover batik with the fusible already on it. Why not cut a shape from it?"  LOL....little did I know that   Creative Detour was the word of the day.  When I pulled out the pre-fused fabric, I saw the "waste" where I had cut out the circles.  "hmmm, that looks interesting" I thought.  So I grabbed some slightly boring pastel pink scrap fabric and fused it down (Okay so I auditioned it first.) 
Here is the result of my   Creative Detour.  

The inset piece is sewn in wonky but I like it...and on a fun free pieced quilt, it will play very nicely and add some extra interest.
Some of you are probably wondering about the free piecing. I do it in little "chunks" like this:

Then play around until I can fit the chunks together.  Some of the chunks get trimmed, but I eventually get a piece somewhat like this.

Or if I use more orderly pieces and small pieces that I made as leaders and enders, I get something like this:
See that "rickrack plaid"?  I got that in a remnant assortment from  Right now it is out of stock.  I got a great deal on about nine yards of quality fabric. Honestly I thought "this one is ugly, I may never use it"  but it works well in this type of quilt.   I will probably use some of it in rag quilts too. 
Have you considered taking a   Creative Detour?  I highly recommend it over getting frustrated.  I think my best ideas come that way.

Oh yes..I promised an "eye update."   My eyes are looking much better.  There is still some slight swelling and I am still putting the antibiotic ointment on the lids (hence the shine.)
Hmm... those eyebrows are a bit scary. 


Tangos Treasures said...

Great save on the fabric!!! Wow on your eyes!! Love how blue they are!!

Rhonda said...

Glad you're doing better and better. And the creative detour.....great your creative mind!!!!

Hettie Pringle /Stitchingmatters said...

Your eyes look absolutely great. Best I've ever seen after similar operations!!

Melissa said...

You're eyes look amazing! So very handsome :) I love your creative detour!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I can see a LOT of difference in your eyelids from before and after. Wow. Maybe I need to get serious about doing it.

Vesuviusmama said...

Bravo! For not dumping the fabric! Eyes are looking good!

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Love those eyes...I want a job like that...I think.

I've done the same with my bindings...and then I just wonder what I was thinking.

Everything I do seems like a detour lately...guess I need to get back in the swing.


Linda said...

Your eyes are looking good!
I only use bias binding if I have a scalloped border. I cut my binding cross grain (from selvage to selvage). It has enough give to it to work well and is much easier to do.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Wow Gene, what a difference, makes me want to get it done! I do the same thing as Linda, cross grain binding unless I have curves, works great!

Sarah said...

Your eyes are turning out so well! You look younger too. I'm glad that is over, though.

Unknown said...

WOW, You really heal quickly. They look great.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Great job on repurposing miscut fabric! I'm really impressed you used it so quickly - I never do that!

Your eyes look wonderful! I went back and looked at the before photos that you posted - the difference is amazing!

Melissa ;-) said...

Another happy accident!!! Actually, you may want to remember how you did that so you can do it again. Your eyes are looking great!