Today is the last day to vote on the quilts entered. Somehow I missed the start of it.
you can vote at this address
If you like my quilts, I would love it if you vote for me. If you like others better, then vote with your heart!
But please go and vote.

Love them both, but I am partial to fall colors and for that reason alone, I like the top one best.
I voted for you, Gene. I love the fall colored one.
BTW, I handed out a link to your Basting with Hairspray video at my presentation Thursday night!
Just voted!
I voted for you! Good luck!!!
Will do, Gene. How can anyone not vote for the most colorful?! :) Good luck!
I'm playing catchup on blog reading and so sorry I missed the vote. But love your quilt backs. It takes time to make backs like that - and it's art for both sides of the quilt. I often turn my quilts over and they're pretty plain on the back.
Also love the ME quilting. At our LQS, they have a beautiful quilt that was pieced and basted and then each block was quilted in the machine. One just has to be careful to manage the weight of the quilt so it doesn't affect the movement of the embroidery machine. I am like you that I like the continuous designs too. EmbLib has some good ones.
I am late getting to the blog, but I did happen upon the quilts and I voted a few days ago. Voted for you!
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