I also took a few detail shots. I tried whatever struck me in each section knowing that a wild variety would make for a fun notebook.
In the dark section on this I turned it sideways. Do you see that those are flowers on stems?
My clamshells aren't so great but the pattern on the batik disguises it.I put in some pebbling and some wavy lines. I did a strange version of an iron cross and there are even a few feathers, but you are not getting a close up of them! ha ha. We will file feathers under "needs more work."

Gene...the flowers you speak of on the dark fabric...well...to me they look like really cool little people and I like them. LOL Fun little artistic people like forms.
What a great way to practice your FMQing. I really liked the piecing too...I was reading along although I didn't comment.
Smiles and hugs,
I have my own name for free motion quilting...Free Spirit Quilting.Mine may never improve but they do have a lot of free spirit!
Wow...just went over your photos and had my comment composed in my head. Then I read the comments, and Kelly took the words right away from me. YES! Cool people! I love that one! Even if it looks like something other than what upi meant. LOVE It! So neat that you are having fun. :)
They all look great! It looks like your stitches are nice and even. I thought your flowers were balloons - lol!
Gene, you did a great job. I love that each section is quilted differently. Your free motion skills are progressing nicely. Two thumbs up from me!!
Practice, practice, practice
is what they keep saying. These notebooks are a great small project for this. I have not started mine yet, but I did get my scrap box out.
This is such a great project. Love all the personality you added to the notebook cover. I watch Craftsy classes the same way--a little at a time.
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