The lovely warp on my loom has been nice to weave on this past week. I haven't been doing a lot else except following up on getting household things sorted and dealt with. For example getting the septic tank repaired - that is still on-going. Also the insurance adjuster should be here Monday.
Weaving has been a pleasant reprieve from those things.
I finished one of the scarves last week but just had not bothered to get a photo of it.
The second scarf came off the loom last night, so it is not truly finished but I can call it a finish. This one only needs to have a good wash, then I will take it out wet and iron it. After that it hangs to dry. Ironing while wet helps to marry the woven fabric together a bit better. When I do this, I pull the selvedges straight as I iron.
Here is the second one. As they came from the same dyed warp they look similar but have differences.
Here is a photo that puts then side by side so you can play "find the differences" if you want to.
Soon, I want to get back to the quilt blocks that keep staring back at me. I think I have decided to change the layout completely and do this one in sections to make a larger quilt.
I am thinking it will look something like this:
This will allow me to use some lovely hand dyed fabrics in those alternate squares. And I have a lot of fabrics that I have dyed and also some that I have from
Colorways by Vicki.I am uncertain about the white background. That could change as I start working on it. I may use a batik or a black for the background. I will see what the muse decides.
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative

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