Just because it is a pajama day is no reason to waste the day. I have completed the last six Wonky 9-patches. One of my readers emailed a suggestion that I not put the pairs together so the quilt has a more scrappy look. I like that idea. I tried to layout the six that way. the problem was that two sets used the same background fabric. Oops! I can't make it work with just six, but you can see if you ignore the middle two. Ha ha.
They do look better separated. The purple is matched with a large print from the French General collection. I love the surprises in the blocks that it makes. Do you see the bird?
I also started another scarf on the loom. It is another commission piece. However, I am not happy with it for the intended recipient. She has a wilder style than this. The stripes are too obvious and too orderly.
I also think a more aqua/ teal range of blue tones in it would appeal to her sense of color style. This will still be a beautiful scarf for someone with a different style or maybe even for me. I love it. So I will finish this one and be seeking the "right" yarn for her scarf. I delivered one scarf yesterday and immediately got orders for two more from folks admiring her scarf. I will be weaving a lot in the near future. But I will also be creating quilts.
On Wanda's blog, Exuberant Color, she mentioned a book by Rayna Gillman who also has a blog. I was so intrigued that I bought the kindle version on Amazon. (I had a gift card so it was a no-brainer!)
In the book she tells how to use orphan blocks and ugly fabrics to make something amazing. So I used some scrap strips as leaders and enders on the last six wonky blocks.
Honestly I found sewing these far more interesting than making the last blocks. After I finished those blocks I did a bit more sewing on these. These strips will be chopped and re-sewn a few times to create something. At least I used a bit more of the yellow spiderweb fabric that I got in a bundle and have been going "ugh" every time I see it. There will be more fun with this as it goes on.

I'm glad to see you are having fun already!
I like the idea of you spreading around the wonky blocks and not place them together. I will look better that way, in my opinion. The colors in the scarf are really pretty.
I am liking your wonky blocks, and scrappy is good I think too.
How cool that you have orders for your scarves. I have a warp on for cocoon style shawl and must get started on that. I am anxious to see how it weaves up.
If you get a chance stop by-I am having a giveaway for some of my hand dyes
Happy quilting-and I love pajama days Kathy
I read Wanda's blog this morning. Looks like a good book. I love the blue colors in your scarf.
Hi Gene! Welcome to my blog:-)). I am glad you had such fun with your wonky 9s. In my book you will see the hideous wonky 9s I started with and how much better they ended up.
I am in Fla. on vacation and honestly, Wanda's post motivated me to bring a few uglies with me to play with in between my "serious" work. I will email you my wonky 9 transformation so you can see what I did. Love the transformation you made with yours!!
I do like the blues, but you're right, the stripes are too orderly. Maybe like Bernice's but with blue weft instead of light brown.
I love PJ days, but I have a dog. In an apartment. So I have to get dressed or freeze. sigh
The new scarf is very pretty and someone will love it. You will be weaving a lot I think. I can not believe how fast you are.
Like the fabric you are "making". You know Bonnie Hunter says if the fabric is still ugly you didn't cut it small enough. LOL
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