Friday, September 25, 2020

Prep for Caulking

Whew! When I decided to caulk my tub,  I thought the hard part would be applying the caulk.  I did the front, where the frame for the shower doors connects first. Doing that, I found out that getting out the old caulk is probably the harder job.  Once that was out,  taping the area and applying the caulk was much easier.  The bathroom is a mess so there will be no photos of it.  

Next up I  started removing all the old caulk from rest of the tub.  It was much worse.  I had to take several breaks.  Then I found a place where the previous owner (ages ago) had fixed a hole - of course that broke off and I had to repair that again.   Now everything is done except taping the rest of it and applying the caulk to the rest of it.  This old man was too tired to finish it on Friday.  Sometime Saturday, I will do that part. Meanwhile, I will have to take a "sink bath" in the morning.  LOL, I haven't done that in years.  I will miss the hot shower in the morning.  

Here is some "eye candy" for you today.  Hopefully I will have some time to paint or doodle something new soon. 
This strange landscape with the moon reflecting a bit unnaturally is simply titled "Herewith." 

Oh yes, I did change the layout for the HST quilt I am working on.  Here is that also. I doubt you will see much difference, but I think it is more symmetrical now. 

(edit- I flipped the photo after A Left-Handed Quilter's comment)

Until Next Time,  
Stay Creative 

Comments are welcomed. I will reply when possible. Of course if you are a "No Reply Blogger"- I can not reply. Links in comments will result in the entire comment being deleted.


A Left-Handed Quilter said...

No comment on the caulking - that's something I would pay someone else to do - haha. The "Herewith" is interesting - I LOVE the colors - and the "other-worldliness" of it. Your HST layout looks great - but I think the big brown/blue one in the top right corner needs to be flipped to match the second one in the same row - LOL. Hmmm - now I wonder if I could do a similar one using my ruler instead of "thangles" - ;))

Barbara said...

I’m with Kitty, I’m willing to pay for caulking. I have made a mess trying, and it amazes me how easily a pro does it! I simply adore “Herewith”! Everything about it touches me. Is it acrylics, and how big is it? Beautiful piece!

Frog Quilter said...

First of all you are not an old man. You are capable and very energetic. Love the new painting. Is it finished or waiting for ideas?

Kathleen said...

I hate those "simple" jobs that are more complex. Finding someone to do that job was not easy the last time I thought about it....the plumber? seems silly and expensive. Anyway, congrats on doing it. Love the painting and the small change is a good one in the EQ8 design.